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UNC-TV covers museum exhibit

Recently, UNC-TV aired a piece on Cedars in the Pines, the museum exhibition at the North Carolina Museum of History through August 2014. Check out the full coverage here!

Here are some screen shots from the piece and quotes from Khayrallah Program for Lebanese-American Studies Director, Dr. Akram Khater.

The balance for immigrants is how much do I need to change to be accepted in the larger society to make a living and how much do I maintain a sense of who I am, what I was brought up with…and for different families, the balance was different.

This project at one level is to preserve the memories that are dying out as people are dying out. The second level, for the general public…is to show that Lebanese-Americans are really part of American society.

I think Lebanese immigrants, and immigrants in general, bring the world here. They bring their attitude, their ideas about work, about family, about life. And they bring it to the next cubicle, to the PTA meeting, to the classroom…to all the public squares that we have. In that sense, what we want people to understand is that immigrants have and continue to enrich society.

Thank you to UNC-TV for the great piece!