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U.S. Census Records: 1900-1940

We have collected over 300,000 records of Lebanese immigrants from the US Census spanning the years from 1900 through 1940. You can search these records by name, town, state, and other criteria. If you have additional information on your ancestor that you would like to share then contact us and we will be happy to add it to our database.

You’ll notice records automatically sort by Household ID. What does Household ID Tell Us?

The Household ID was literally “the number of [the] dwelling house in order of visitation.” Most often, people with the same Household ID in the same town, lived in the same house. They were likely family members or boarders renting rooms. In rare cases, people living in the same town who were not associated with one another may share the same Household ID.

The Household ID was not unique to the family. It was unique to the enumeration district in which the family lived. Like voting districts, census enumeration districts divide communities into smaller sections. In rare instances, two Lebanese families in different enumeration districts in the same city, may have randomly been given the same ID. This coincidence most likely occurs in very large communities.

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