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Please take a moment to support the Khayrallah Program for Lebanese-American Studies at NC State University, which works hard to document, preserve, and publicize our common legacy. We hope to raise $130,000 for the museum exhibition.

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Dear Friends,

Over the past 130 years Lebanese-Americans have created a rich legacy in North Carolina. We built businesses from humble beginnings and innovative ideas and grew them into thriving enterprises vital to the economy of the state. We brought our faith, along with dreams and hopes for the future. In doing so, our community has enriched this state with our culture, hard-work and families. We are planning a museum exhibit to introduce this proud history to scores of North Carolinians, and we need your help and support to succeed in our endeavor. Our exhibit will highlight 130 years of dreams, struggles, successes and accomplishments. It is planned to open in February 2014 at the North Carolina Museum of History in Raleigh, and will subsequently tour the state to three other major museums.

The exhibit will cost $130,000. This will cover design, construction, installation and transport of the exhibit panels, display cases, interactive digital media, and other elements. To successfully attain this goal we NEED your help to raise the necessary funds. Would you to consider donating tax-deductible $100, $500, $1000, $5,000 or more to fund our exhibit? This is an opportunity to celebrate the history of your family and our community. Equally, it is your chance to introduce the good people of North Carolina to our stories. Over the past 3 years we have archived this proud heritage and produced a documentary (Cedars in the Pines) to celebrate our collective accomplishments, and an online archive dedicated to preserving these stories. Currently, we are putting the finishing touches on curriculum material that will be used in schools to teach NC children about Lebanese-Americans and their contributions to the state. Thus, you already know of our successful efforts to highlight our collective accomplishments and I am sure you recognize their worth and the importance of our planned museum exhibition. So, please take a moment to support The Khayrallah Program for Lebanese-American Studies at NC State University, which has worked hard to document, preserve and publicize our common legacy. You can donate in one of two ways:

1. By Check: please make the check payable to NC State Foundation, Inc (and write Khayrallah Program in memo line) and mail it to:

College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Office of Development
Campus Box 7016
Raleigh, NC 27695-7016


2.     By Credit Card:

a. Go to Give to NC State

b. Under “How Should We Use Your Gift”, select the “I would like to give to a fund not listed here” checkbox

c. Enter in “Khayrallah Program”

d. Enter the amount you wish to donate

e. Then click on “My Information” to proceed to the checkout area

Sincerely, Akram Khater

Alumni Distinguished University Professor (CHASS) Director of Khayrallah Program for Lebanese-American Studies
North Carolina State University
Annual gifts are received by the NC State Foundation, Inc., and may be distributed to an affiliated foundation which manages the fund supported by the donor.