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The year of the exhibit

We are a few weeks into 2014 and we are excited to share another year with all our readers, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter followers!

Our new year is filled fresh goals, partnerships and cultural exchanges. As you’re all aware, The Lebanese in North Carolina Project is focusing almost all our time on completing the museum exhibition that will unveil at the North Carolina Museum of History in Raleigh next month. The exhibition represents years of dedicated work by the team at the Project and community members who have contributed in countless ways to bringing the history of Lebanese-Americans to a larger audience.

In 2010, when the Project took its first steps, one of the most exciting as well as daunting goals has been developing, writing, curating, designing and promoting the exhibition. Now, nearly 4 years later, we have accomplished such an extraordinary goal with the great help of all of you! We are confident it will draw students from all over the state and walk them through an educational and approachable history to the Lebanese experience and to the Lebanese-American community.

Look for publicity on this next step for the Project!