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Details for Friday’s Opening

We are so delighted that so many of you will be joining us this Friday evening, February 21, 2014, to celebrate the opening of the museum exhibition, Cedars in the Pines: The Lebanese in North Carolina, 130 Years of History.

Preliminary Program

6:45-7:00 Arrival and Registration

7:00-7:45 Reception in the lobby of NC Museum of History

7:45-7:55 Opening words

7:55-8:00 Zaffee (a traditional Lebanese wedding dance and song performed by the Dabkeh dance troupe of the Triangle Lebanese Association)

8:00-10:00 Visit the Exhibit

Additional details about the evening

Location: The NC Museum of History is located at 5 E. Edenton Street, Raleigh. 

Parking: Available on the street, but also at a public parking lot across from the museum at the intersection of W. Jones and S. Wilmington streets.

Viewing Schedule: Since the exhibit gallery is an L-shaped space that measures 1800 square feet, we thought it would be best to stagger the visits to the exhibition. This means that when we open the exhibit gallery we will ask the first 50 visitors to tour the hall first. Fifteen minutes later we will ask the second group to join them. Fifteen minutes after we will send up the third group; etc. While you may not have as much time as you wish to view the exhibit please remember that it will remain open through August 31 and there will be other chances at later dates.

Getting Around the Museum: The gallery is on the third floor with two flights of stairs to reach that area. However, there are also elevators that you may take if you so wish.

Docent/Questions:There will be members of the exhibit team on hand in the hall to answer questions should you have any. They will be identified before we open the exhibit.

Contact Us: If you have questions, please contact Akram Khater.

We can’t wait to see you there!