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The Diaspora Tour: Coming in September

The United States Department of State is taking their moniker Diplomacy in Action seriously with a new initiative by the Special Representative for Global Partnerships 2014 Diaspora Tour led by Andrew O’ Brien who has served in this role for about a year. Starting this summer, the tour will,

…Feature keynote addresses and panel discussions with leading diaspora experts. Participants will include students and university faculty, university officials with an affinity for international development, private sector partners, diaspora community leaders, and local government and civic leaders.

The tour will make stops in Texas, California, and Florida before coming to our very own NC State University on September 11, 2014. This will be a great opportunity to hear from community leaders about the impact of the diasporic community in North Carolina. Director of the Khayrallah Program, Dr. Akram Khater is involved in the planning process for the North Carolina visit, so we hope this conversation will include the important work of the Lebanese diaspora in the state. We’ll keep you posted! In the meantime, update your calendars to include this event.