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Feb 4, 2016

Questioning Assumptions: Gender & Lebanese Immigration

This post is written by Dr. Akram Khater, Director of the Khayrallah Center, and Marjorie Stevens, Senior Researcher at the Khayrallah Center. For similar posts, check out migration and health, and Lebanese in the US Census. At the entrance to the Port of Beirut there stands a statue of a man in 19th century village… 

Jan 19, 2016

Two Poems from Jacobo the Turko, a work-in-progress

This post is written by Phillip Bannowsky, an Instructor of English at University of Delaware. He served as secondary English Chair at both Academia Cotopaxi in Quito, Ecuador (1992-95) and at International College in Beirut, Lebanon (2002-05). Phillip has published a novel, The Mother Earth Inn (2007), and two volumes of poetry, The Milk of Human Kindness… 

Jan 15, 2016

Joseph Geha Wins 2016 Khayrallah Prize

The Khayrallah Center is pleased to announce that Mr. Joseph Geha, a Lebanese-American author, was selected as the 2016 Khayrallah Prize winner. Geha was awarded the Khayrallah Prize, which includes a $2500 monetary award, for his novel Lebanese Blonde. Early next year, Geha will travel to NC State for a public ceremony in which he will receive the award and read from his work.… 

Jan 15, 2016

Previous Winners of the Khayrallah Prize in Migration Studies: 2014-16

See past winners of the Khayrallah Center prize in migration studies. 

Jan 14, 2016

Bodies in Motion: Middle East Migrations

The Moise A. Khayralla Center for Lebanese Diaspora Studies hosted an international conference titled Bodies in Motion at NC State University. 

Jan 14, 2016

Lecture on Culture and Lebanese National Identity: Tarek Mitri

Director of the Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Relations at the American University of Beirut Tarek Mitri gave the lecture, "Culture and Lebanese National Identity." 

Jan 14, 2016

Mirath (Heritage): A Film and Discussion by Director Philippe Aractingi

The Khayrallah Center for Lebanese Diaspora Studies hosted a screening of Philippe Aractingi's film, "Mirath." 

Jan 14, 2016

Syrian Refugees in Lebanon

On Monday, April 11, 2016, Dr. Maha Shuayb, the director of the UK-based Center for Lebanese Studies, delivered a public talk titled Bringing back hope: the status of education of the Syrian Refugee children in Lebanon. 

Jan 14, 2016

Scheherazade’s Diary: A Film by Zeina Daccache

Lebanese filmmaker and actress Zeina Daccache will be returning to NC State University to screen her new documentary, "Scheherazade’s Diary." 

Jan 7, 2016

How did migration affect the health of the early Lebanese American community?

This post is co-written by Sarah Soleim, a PhD in Public History at NC State University specializing in twentieth-century United States history, and Marjorie Stevens, Senior Researcher for the Center. For more articles on this topic, check out Counting the Lebanese in the US, our 3-part series on language and identity among immigrants, and our Fact…