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Sep 9, 2014

2 events this week: Don’t miss out!

IdEA Disapora Tour Thursday, September 11, 5:30 – 7:30 pm NC State University, Talley Student Center, Raleigh, NC Learn more here.   Opening Reception, Cedars in the Pines exhibit Friday, September 12, 5:30 – 7:00 pm NC History Center, Duffy Exhibit Gallery 529 South Front St., New Bern, NC Learn more here.   

Sep 8, 2014

Exhibit heading to New Bern

After a huge success at NC Museum of History in Raleigh, Cedars in the Pines is moving to its next temporary home at Tryon Palace in New Bern. From this Friday, September 12 through December 14, visitors to the interactive exhibit will learn about the history of Lebanese immigrants to North Carolina starting in the 1890s until today.… 

Sep 5, 2014

Upcoming Event: IdEA Diaspora Tour

Join… U.S. Special Representative for Global Partnerships Andrew O’ Brien Thursday, September 11 Talley Student Center, NC State University 5:30pm – 7:30pm The Diaspora Tour is coming NC State University and the Khayrallah Center for Lebanese-American Studies is involved. As we mentioned in June, the International diaspora Engagement Alliance (IdEA) is on a tour across the United… 

Sep 4, 2014

Sneak Peak: Tarheel Junior Historian

For several months, we’ve been working with the Tarheel Junior Historian Association and NC Museum of History’s magazine department in contributing an article (and photos, of course!) to their latest issue of the Tarheel Junior Historian (THJH).  Started in 1961, THJH is a youth-centered magazine that focuses on a theme related to North Carolina history and… 

Sep 2, 2014


What goes up, must come down. And museum exhibitions are no exception. Here’s the exhibit’s de-installation process happening at NC Museum of History. It’ll be re-installed at Tryon Palace in the coming weeks. If you haven’t registered for the opening reception, hurry up! 

Aug 28, 2014

Lebanese Festival photos

In case you missed the 2014 Lebanese Festival hosted by the Triangle Lebanese Association, you can view photos from the event here.  Thank you to NC Museum of History for the photographs. And don’t forget to check out Cedars in the Pines at NC Museum of History before it moves to Tyron Palace in New Bern, NC. 

Aug 25, 2014

Final week of Museum Exhibition

This is the final week of Cedars in the Pines, one of the most popular exhibits at the NC Museum of History. Check it out before it heads to Tryon Palace in New Bern, NC. 

Aug 18, 2014

A Message from our Director

As we draw near to the final days of the Cedars in the Pines exhibit at the NC Museum of History (closing August 31), I wanted to update you on some exciting news about the project. 1. Move to Tryon Palace: After closing in Raleigh, we will take the exhibit to the Tryon Palace in New Bern! The… 

Aug 12, 2014

Exhibit leaving Raleigh soon

We are so proud of the work we accomplished with the support and donations of the community in bringing together a full-scale museum exhibition that features the contributions and history of the Lebanese in North Carolina from the 1890s to today. The museum exhibit “Cedars in the Pines” has been so well-received, making it one… 

Aug 8, 2014

Festival scavenger hunt, great success!

This is a guest post from Margie Merod, Assistant Director, The Lebanese in North Carolina Project. Saturday, August 2nd saw a great turnout at the Cedars in the Pines festival hosted by the Triangle Lebanese Association (TLA)  and the Khayrallah Program for Lebanese-American Studies. Lebanese-Americans, tourists, and Raleighites flocked to the NC Museum of History…