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Syrian Refugees in Lebanon

On Monday, April 11, 2016, Dr. Maha Shuayb, the director of the UK-based Center for Lebanese Studies, delivered a public talk titled Bringing back hope: the status of education of the Syrian Refugee children in Lebanon

Over 400 000 Syrian Refugee children in Lebanon are school age. A third of them are currently accessing a wide variety of education while the remaining have been out of education for over three years. Education is one of the main ways for these children to have a chance of resuming a normal childhood. In Lebanon, the discussion is currently focused on widening access to education, yet the quality of the current programs remains largely unexamined. The majority of students are currently taught in afternoon shifts in segregated classrooms. Students struggle with issues related to language, discrimination and overcoming trauma as well as the pressure on them to work instead of continuing their education. In her talk, Dr. Shuayb explored the various education provisions available to Syrian Children in Lebanon and their quality and impact on retention and passing rates. Finally, she focused on issues concerning segregated education  and its impact on the relationships between the two communities.

Maha Shuayb

Maha Shuayb is the director of the Centre for LebaneseStudies. She is also the president of the Lebanese Association for History. She was a visiting scholar at various universities including University of Cambridge and the American University of Beirut.Dr. Shuayb’s research focuses on the sociology and politics of education. Her research area include education and social cohesion,citizenship education, refugee education, and history education. Her publications include:

  • 2015-“Human Rights and Peace Education in the Lebanese Civics textbooks: a comparative lens, Research in Comparative and International Education March, 10,  (1).
  • 2014- “The Art of Inclusive Exclusions Educating Palestinian refugee students in Lebanon”, Refugee Survey Quarterly.
  •  2012- “Rethinking Education for Social Cohesion: International case studies” Palgrave Macmillan.
Maha Shuayb.