Film: Dalya’s Other Country
Oct. 9, 2017
The Khayrallah Center, Honors and University Fellows Program, and the Middle East Studies Program screened this film accompanied by a talk and discussion led by its co-producer Moustafa Zeno.
Lecture and Art Exhibit: Art in Times of Crisis
Sept. 28, 2017
As part of its Lebanese Artist in Residence program, the Khayrallah Center co-hosted Joumana Medlej with Arts in NC State. Medlej presented a lecture entitled, Art in Times of Crisis at the NC State Craft Center where her art was displayed.
A Time of Crisis: An International Conference
April 21-22, 2017
The Khayrallah Center hosted an international scholarly conference considering the problems of studying human movement to, from, and within the Middle East and North Africa in a time of mass displacement and multiple refugee “crises.”
Film Screening: The Common Link
April 5, 2017
The Khayrallah Center, Honors Program, and English Department screened this film by honors student, Laila Knio. The film tells the stories of eight individuals living in Lebanon who in some way transcended ethnic or religious boundaries to help one another — simply because of the of thing that connects us all: our shared humanity.
Hima: Protecting the Environment in the Middle East
Jan. 30, 2017
Dr Gary Nabhan, presented a talk about eh protecting the environment in the Middle East as part of his week long visit to the Khayrallah Center and it’s archive.
Dr. Nabhan is an award-winning natural history writer, poet and journalist of Lebanese-American descent. He is the W.K. Kellogg Endowed Chair in Food and Water Security at the University of Arizona, where he has been affiliated with the Southwest Center and Center for Middle Eastern Studies.
Breaking Taboo: How Art is Changing the Middle East
Lena Merhej, the Khayrallah Center’s first artist in residence, visited NC State for a week, displayed her art, and delivered a talk on the state of art in Lebanon and the Middle East. Dr. Merhej is a visual storyteller and expert in graphic narration. She taught at the American University of Beirut and the Lebanese International University. She is the founding director of the Story Center, offering professional training in animation, illustration, and comic books.
Immigration, Terrorism and Islam: A Panel Discussion
Sept. 19, 2016
Dr. Anna Bigelow, Dr. Akram Khater and Dr. Charles Kurzman lead a panel discussion and Q&A with audience members about Islam, immigration, terrorism and the rhetoric of the 2016 elections.
Dr. Wail S. Hassan Lecture
Sept. 13, 2016
In his lecture, Early Lebanese American Writers and the Cultural Politics of Orientalism, Dr. Hassan focused on the works of Rihani, Gibran, and Rihbany. Drawing on postcolonial, translation, and minority discourse theory he investigated how these writers described their immigrant experiences, acting as mediators and interpreters between cultures, and how they forged new identities in their adopted countries.
Dr. Maha Shuayb Lecture
April 11, 2016
In her talk, Dr. Shuayb explored the various education provisions available to Syrian children in Lebanon and their quality and impact on retention and passing rates. Finally, she focused on issues concerning segregated education and its impact on the relationships between the two communities.
Find more information about this lecture in our press release and blog post.
10th Annual Middle East Film Festival
March 17 – April 7, 2016
This festival, co-sponsored with NCSU’s Middle East Studies Program, featured four films: No One Knows About Persian Cats (Iran); Half Moon (Iraq and Iran); Slingshot Hip Hop (Palestine); and We Loved Each Other So Much (Lebanon).
Dr. Devi Mays Lecture
Feb. 23, 2016
Dr. Mays spoke about Sephardic migrants in the first four decades of the twentieth century and their reliance upon transnational Sephardic networks to achieve personal and professional success and continued geographic mobility in the face of growing immigration restrictions.
Dr. Lily Balloffet Lecture
Feb. 2016
Dr. Balloffet, the Khayrallah Center’s 2015-2016 Middle East Diaspora Post-Doctoral Fellow, presented a lecture on the Lebanese in Argentina. Read Dr. Balloffet’s posts: Latin America & the Arab World: One Hundred Years of Migration and “The Many Labors of Progress”: Digitally Mapping the Arab-Argentine Community.
The Prophet Film Screening
Nov. 13, 2015
The Khayrallah Center screened Selma Hayek’s cinematic adaptation of Khalil Gibran’s book, The Prophet.
Scheherazade’s Diary Film Screening
Oct. 21, 2015
Lebanese filmmaker and actress, Zeina Daccache, came to NC State to screen her new documentary, Scheherazade’s Diary. The film chronicles how women inmates of Lebanon’s Baabda Prison mine the depths of personal experience and confront patriarchy as they prepare and present the first theater performance staged inside an Arab women’s prison.
Find more information about this event in our press release and blog post.
Dr. Tarek Mitri Lecture
Sept. 14, 2015
In his lecture, Dr. Mitri explored the complex ways that communal identities reconcile with Lebanese national identity. He also examined how culture, as produced in the public sphere, can contribute to transcending communal divides and fostering citizenship.
Read more about the lecture here.
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