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oral history

Feb 26, 2020

The Second Jabbour Immigrant: Albert Jabbour and His Courtship Story

This blog was written by Folklorist, Sabra Webber. Webber is a professor emerita at The Ohio State University in the Department of Comparative Studies and the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures. She visited the Khayrallah Center in the Summer of 2018 while researching her former colleague and friend Alan Jabbour. This is the… 

Jun 7, 2016

Moving Beyond the Soundbyte: Refugees and Oral History

This post is written by Renée Michelle Ragin, a PhD student in Literature at Duke University where her research focuses on the negotiation of national identity in post-conflict Middle Eastern and Latin American states. Her last article with the Khayrallah Center focused on war, memory, and archiving. In 2015, approximately 5,000 refugees from around the world resettled… 

Oct 7, 2013

Museum Update 3: Oral Histories

This post was written by guest blogger Darby Reiners, an MA Candidate in Public History at NC State University. This summer Katie Vanhoy, Kathy Gleditsch, and I worked on going through the oral history collection for the Cedars in the Pines exhibition. We focused on finding specific quotations about Lebanon, different people’s journeys to the United… 

Apr 22, 2013

We were at NCPH this year!

The National Council on Public History and the International Federation of Public History held its annual conference from April 17-20 in Ottawa, Ontario. This year’s theme, “Knowing your Public(s)-The Significance of Audiences in Public History” brought an interdisciplinary group to Canada’s capital to discuss questions of participatory projects, digital history, and shaping our work to reach a… 

Jan 7, 2013

The Importance of Oral History

As many of you know, The Lebanese in North Carolina Project began as an endeavor to collect oral testimonies from members of the community; to document stories of family, work, immigration, religion, food, marriage, education and more.  And we succeeded in conducting over 50 interviews with people living around the state as well as a…